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The Palazzo

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The Palazzo

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The Palazzo

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The Palazzo

The ancient Palazzo in via delle Coppelle, built in the 15th Century, is a building that connects the past and present of the Eternal City, and creates an unforgettable experience with ten luxury apartments. Antique collections and inspired design shape the interiors, with ancient wooden doors and inlaid friezes, all enriched by the precious ancient stones donated by the person behind it all, Carlo Mazzi. Original materials meet contemporary vibrancy as shapes and colour come together, representing the soul of Rome.

26 January 2024
"....Palazzo delle Pietre, which aptly translates to "Palace of Stones," doesn't have the usual bells and whistles of luxury hotels (though there is a full-time concierge, and a basket of Roscioli pastries materializes every morning at the door), and that's sort of the point. Here it's about doing as the Romans do, assuming that means spending a week living in a very nice apartment where contemporary furnishings—by modern Italian design masters only—blend seamlessly with museum-quality ancient artifacts and surviving relics of the palazzo's 15th-century bones."
14 July 2022
"...ognuno degli otto appartamenti a disposizione dei viaggiatori è curato in ogni dettaglio e arredato come fosse casa - una casa funzionale, elegante, di design, con arredi di De Padova e Alivar, ma decorata dalle opere d'arte e dalle «pietre» - i reperti archeologici - collezionati dall'ingegnere e dai suoi avi..."
04 February 2020
"...frammenti di sculture antiche, fregi intarsiati, capitelli e portali in travertino. Frutto di una passione ereditata dal bisnonno e coltivata da tempo..."
What our guests say

These ancient stones offer an escape from the unstoppable passing of time because they preserve the evidence of man’s work in the pursuit of beauty; art is a virtue that unites men and women from all over the world.

The project
Interview with Carlo Mazzi
What our guests say